
  • 11/02/2009

    Venezuela: Indígenas terão sua própria agência de notícias

    Os indígenas da Venezuela contarão, a partir de julho, com uma agência de notícias que divulgará fundamentalmente fatos relacionados com suas comunidades e sua cultura. Assim informou o coordenador da Rede Nacional de Porta-vozes Indígenas da Venezuela (Renavive), Jesús Gonzáles, à agência oficial ABN. O objetivo é que este meio de informação cubra o território nacional […]

  • 10/02/2009

    Encontro Sepé Tiaraju

      Encontro Sepé Tiaraju Assembléia Regional do Povo Indígena Guarani São Gabriel- Rio Grande do Sul- BRA 5,  6 e 7 de Fevereiro de 2009.   A todos os povos do mundo! No último dia 7 de Fevereiro de 2009, cumpriu-se 253 anos da morte de Sepé Tiaraju e do massacre de Caiboaté, em que os […]

  • 09/02/2009

    III Continental Encounter of the Guarani

    05/02/2009 – 19:10 – Newsletter n. 852: III Guarani Continental Encounter highlights lack of lands for the indigenous of southern Brazil   The lack of land for the Guarani communities in the southern states of Brazil was the main question debated in the III Continental Encounter of the Guarani, occurring between February 5 and 7, […]

  • 09/02/2009

    MPF/CE quer grupo de trabalho para demarcar terra indígena anacé

    A demarcação das terras é para proteger o direito de 800 famílias com direito a partir da tradicionalidade comprovada O Ministério Público Federal no Ceará (MPF/CE), em reunião com a Defensoria Pública e a advogada de defesa da tribo indígena anacé, resolveu dar continuidade aos estudos e pesquisas voltados não só para obter maiores elementos […]

  • 09/02/2009

    05/02/2009 – 14:28 – Manifesto on Indigenous Health

    The representatives of the indigenous Peoples of Roraima – Makuxi, Yanomami, Wapichana, Taurepang, Ingarikó, Yekuana and Wai-Wai, together with their allies present at the World Social Forum held in Belém, in the state of Pará, Brazil, come to manifest their concern as to the grave situation of health assistance to the indigenous communities in our […]

  • 09/02/2009

    04/02/2009 – 17:41 – Indigenous Peoples present in the World Forum of theology and Liberation

    We, the Brazilian indigenous peoples present in the III World Forum of theology and Liberation, representing the diverse indigenous peoples of Brazil, assume the obligation of sharing with the non-indigenous peoples present in the great theological task to our message and concrete actions about what we are doing to protect nature in the Amazon, a […]

  • 09/02/2009

    Newsletter n. 852: III Guarani Continental Encounter highlights lack of lands for the indigenous of southern Brazil

    III Guarani Continental Encounter highlights lack of lands for the indigenous of southern Brazil Adão Pretto: troubador of the future – Cimi laments Adão´s death   *** III Guarani Continental Encounter highlights lack of lands for the indigenous of southern Brazil   The lack of land for the Guarani who live in the southern states […]

  • 09/02/2009

    Newsletter n. 851 – WSF 2009: Indigenous peoples defend Brazilian rivers and seek support for their struggles

    The defense of rivers and the right to decide on enterprises that impact indigenous lands were some of the principle questions discussed by the indigenous peoples during the first days of the World Social Forum (WSF), taking place in Belém, Pará, between January 27 and the first of February.   The presence of more than […]

  • 09/02/2009

    Info-brief 852: III. Kontinentales Treffen der Guarani

    Zentrales Thema beim III. Kontinentalen Treffen Guarani, vom 5.-7. Februar in São Gabriel (Rio Grande do Sul)  ist das Fehlen von Land für die Indios Guarani in den südlichen Bundesstaaten Brasiliens. Rund 150 Guarani sind zu dieser Versammlung gekommen, bei der auch an das Massaker der Vertreters Sepé Tiaraju vor 252 Jahren gedacht wird.   […]

  • 09/02/2009

    Info-brief 851: Weltsozialforum 2009: Indios verteidigen brasilianische Flüsse und suchen Verbündete für ihren Einsatz

      Die Verteidigung der Flüsse und das Recht, bei Vorhaben in indigenen Gebieten einbezogen zu werden, waren die wichtigsten Fragen der indigenen die Völker beim Weltsozialforum in Belém vom 27.1.-1.2.2009.   Auffallend ist die Anwesenheit von mehr als 1.200 Indios aus Brasilien und Lateinamerika. Überall wecken sie Aufmerksamkeit und wo sie auch hinkommen werden sie […]

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