
Action Tupinikim and Guarani to the Ministry of Justice – September

Dear friends,
Once again, the Tupinikim and Guarani communities ask your support to put pressure on the Brazilian government, especially the Minister of Justice Márcio Thomaz Bastos, so that he finally demarcates the Tupinikim and Guarani indigenous lands in Espirito Santo.
The Minister has a legal time limit until 12 October to decide on the case.

Your support is of fundamental importance!

We suggest to send the attached letter (also below), by email to [email protected] or fax to +55 61 3224 4784
Please feel free to correct english and/or complement your letter.
We also put after the english version the original portuguese version.

If possible, please send a separate copy of your email/fax to an advisor of the Minister ( email: [email protected])


Mr. Minister of Justice Márcio Thomaz Bastos

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Ministério da Justiça, 4º. Andar

CEP 70064.900- Brasília- DF


Fax +55 61 3224 4784

e-mails:  [email protected]



            Dear Mr. Ministro,


            Through this letter, we would like to express our support of the Indigenous Tupinikim and Guarani nations of Espírito Santo in their fight to demarcate their land. According to anthropological reports published by GT 1299/2005, that reaffirm the conclusions of GTs 0783/94 and 087/98, the indigenous lands – called “Tupiniquim” and “Comboios” – , are 18,070 hectares. 


            On the 12th of September, FUNAI sent the two files (“Tupiniquim” and “Comboios”) to the Minister of Justice, so that he can write two new demarcation acts.  The moment arrived to correct the error of ex-Minister of Justice Iris Rezende, proven by the Federal Public Prosecution Service of Espírito Santo in May 2005, and publish two new demarcation acts for 11,009 hectares of Tupinikim/Guarani lands.


Besides, any more delay in this conflict would be unacceptable, such as demanding more studies, once already four have been realized since 1994 and all affirm the rights of the Tupinikim and Guarani. Also, we are very concerned with the present situation in the region, because Aracruz is realizing a defamatory campaign of the Aracruz Celulose company, disseminating the racial prejudice against the indigenous communities.

We also would like to remember the commitments assumed by your excellency and the president of FUNAI during a public meeting in the State Parliament of Espírito Santo on 09/02/2006: demarcating the Tupinikim/Guarani lands as soon as possible, without exceeding the established legal time limits.

We have no doubts about the rights of the Tupinikim and Guarani and are confident about the uncompromising position of the government in defense of the Federal Constitution and of the rights of the native peoples, defended in International Agreements such as Convention 169 of the ILO, ratified by Brazil.


            We reiterate our total support to the Tupinikim and Guarani cause in Espírito Santo.






Exmo. Sr. Ministro da Justiça Márcio Thomaz Bastos

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Ministério da Justiça, 4º. Andar

CEP 70064.900- Brasília- DF


Fax +55 61 3224 4784

e-mails:  [email protected]



            Exmo. Sr. Ministro,


            Através desta, queremos expressar nosso apoio à luta dos povos indígenas Tupinikim e Guarani no Espírito Santo pela demarcação das suas terras. São 18.070 hectares de terras indígenas – “Tupiniquim” e “Comboios” – conforme os laudos antropológicos do GT 1299/2005 da FUNAI, que reafirmaram as conclusões dos GTs 0783/94 e 087/98.


            No último dia 12 de setembro a FUNAI encaminhou os dois processos (“Tupiniquim” e “Comboios”) para o Ministério da Justiça para a emissão das portarias de delimitação. Chegou a hora de corrigir o erro do ex-Ministro da Justiça, Íris Rezende, atestado pelo MPF/ES em maio de 2005, e editar novas portarias demarcatórias de 11.009 hectares de terras Tupinikim/Guarani.

Acrescentamos ainda que seria inadmissível prolongar este conflito, pedindo mais estudos, pois já foram feitos quatro estudos desde 1994 e todos apontaram para os direitos dos Tupinikim e Guarani. Além disso, estamos apreensivos com a situação na região, já que está em curso uma campanha difamatória da empresa Aracruz Celulose, disseminando o preconceito racial contra as comunidades indígenas.  

Lembramos ainda os compromissos assumidos por V. Exa. e pelo Presidente da FUNAI na reunião pública na Assembléia Legislativa do ES no dia 09/02/2006, de demarcar as terras Tupinikim/Guarani com a maior brevidade possível, sem ultrapassar os prazos legais previstos.

Não temos dúvida sobre o direito dos Tupinikim e Guarani e estamos confiantes na posição intransigente deste governo na defesa da Constituição Federal e dos direitos dos povos originários, defendidos em Acordos e Convenções, a exemplo da Convenção 169, da OIT, da qual o Brasil é signatário.


            Reiteramos nosso total apoio à causa dos Tupinikim e Guarani no Espírito Santo.







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