
About Cimi

Cimi stands for Conselho Indigenista Missionário, an organization that supports the struggle of the indigenous peoples in Brazil. This struggle is mainly concentrated on land issues. Because land is central for the well-being and survival of Brazils indigenous population.


Cimi was created in 1972 by the National Confederation of the Bishops of Brazil (CNBB). Dialogue with the indigenous cultures is the base of the missionary work of Cimi. To learn about these cultures is important in order to be able to respect these cultures. People who are working for Cimi live together with the indigenous peoples on every moment, especially during the fight for their rights. 


The objective of CIMI was defined in 1995 as follows:


“Driven by our faith in the gospel of life, justice and solidarity and faced with the aggressions of the neo liberal model, we decided to intensify our support and presence with indigenous peoples, communities and organizations and intervene in Brazilian society as their allies, strengthening the process of autonomy of these people in the construction of an alternative, multiethnic, popular and democratic project.”


The work of Cimi is based on the following principles:


1. Respect for indigenous diversity in its ethnic-cultural and historical plurality and the value of the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples;

2. The indigenous people as prime actors and Cimi as an ally in the fight to guarantee their historical rights;

3. The choice for the indigenous cause, and the commitment with it, within a broader perspective of building a society based on democracy, justice, solidarity, multi-ethnicities and multi-cultures.


Cimi believes that the indigenous people can inspire the world of today, review the meaning, the history, and social, political and economic practices within this world.


Fonte: Cimi
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