
Newsletter n. 623



In the opening ceremony of the 2nd Continental Meeting of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, which was held today in Quito, Ecuador, the Sun was greeted and revered with great emotion by over 100 representatives of indigenous peoples of the Americas. The ceremony was presided over by master Pilatunha Lincango, from the Kitukar people, which used to live in the region where Quito is located today.

This age-old ceremony of the Kitukar people is extremely rich in its symbology and ritual expressions. A large sun made of regional fruits was slowly woven in the terrace of the Lauritas Sisters convent, where the Meeting is being held. It was still night and stars were shining in the sky while hands, minds and hearts of indigenous people of different origins were preparing this scenario.

When the sun rose, the ritual was already being held. A couple of representatives from indigenous peoples of each country – Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and Honduras – was standing in a circle around the sun made of fruits and branches woven on the ground full of indigenous feet. Indigenous perfumes and beverages were sprinkled on the ground before the sun greeting ritual began.

All the participants tuned into the mother land (pachamama) to give thanks, praise, and ask protection for all indigenous peoples of the continent scattered from the South to the North of the Americas from sunrise to sunset. The fruits of the earth and handfuls of earth brought by the representatives from the different countries were blessed.

Mountains of rare beauty which surround the city of Quito were paid homage, particularly the Wawa  Pichincha mountain, which is a sacred mountain and source of life for the Kitukar people.

Representatives of the Makuxi and Wapichana (state of Roraima), Pataxó (state of Bahia), Tapeba (state of Ceará), Sateré-Mawé (state of Amazonas), Bakairi (state of Mato Grosso), and Manchineri (state of Acre) peoples of Brazil are attending the meeting, as well as representatives of their allies from Cimi, the Diocese of Roraima, and other entities.

Over 600 indigenous people from almost all countries of the continent and representatives from various European countries, such as Spain, Italy and France, are expected to attend the meeting. 

The different delegations are being received with very great enthusiasm, music and greetings.

The meeting began this morning and five lectures were delivered on the following topics: Territories, Autonomy and Self-Determination – by Sebastião Manchineri, president of Coica; Diversity and Plurality – by Luis Macas from the Indigenous University – Ecuador; The Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Nationalities and Social Movements in the World Social Forum – FSM, by Nicia Maldonado from CONIVE – Venezuela; Militarization, by Forge Frederick (CICA); Women and the Establishment of a Plurinational State – by Vicenta Chuma (PIA).

The 2nd Meeting will end next Sunday (25). 

Brasília, 22 July 2004.

Cimi – Indianist Missionary Council

Fonte: Cimi - Assessoria de Imprensa
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