
  • 02/08/2010

    Report no. 924: Indigenous leaders call Senate to create of Special Indigenous Health Secretariat

    Indigenous leaders call for the Brazilian government to vote on the Bill of Conversion (PLV) 08/2010, which transforms Provisional Measure No. 483, into law. The bill provides for  creation of the Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI-Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena). The vote is anticipated for Tuesday, August 3, a day on which approximately 80 […]

  • 23/07/2010

    Report no. 923: Date and location set for Acampamento Terra Livre 2010

    During a meeting of indigenous leaders this week in Brasilia, the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) assessed the progress of the national indigenous movement and defined the agenda of the Acampamento Terra Livre 2010. This year’s event will be held in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, between August 16th and 20th. The event, […]

  • 19/07/2010

    Report No. 922: Leaders unite in opposition to criminalization process in Bahia

    Since the arrest of Rosivaldo Ferreira da Silva, known as cacique (chief) Babau, leader of the Serra do Padeiro community of the Tupinambá people in the municipality of Buerarema, Bahia (BA), the indigenous peoples in the southern region of the state have been living in fear and virtually imprisoned in their villages. Students in the community […]

  • 01/07/2010

    Report no. 919: Demonstrations against Belo Monte to be intensified by social movements

    Monday and Tuesday, 21 and 22 of June, were marked by sustained protests against the visit of President Lula to Altamira, Pará (PA), in northern Brazil. On Tuesday, hundreds of riverine peoples, environmentalists, members of social movements, students and other social activists opposed to the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam gathered to express dissatisfaction […]

  • 07/06/2010

    Report no. 916: Habeas corpus in favor of Babau denied

    "In reality we are facing the clamor of an indigenous community that is waiting for the government to complete the process of demarcation of their traditional land", states CIMI attorney Paulo Machado Guimaraes. The appeals court judge Assusete Magalhães, of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region, dismissed the petition for habeas corpus filed […]

  • 21/05/2010

    Report 914: Indigenous occupy schooll to press for better education

    Indigenous peoples of the village of Sagarana occupied last night (19) the  São Judas Tadeu and Salomão Justiniano de Melgar school buildings, which are elementary and high school, respectively. The schools are in the district of Surpresa, circa 350 km from the city of Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia (RO). The group is calling for improvements in education, such […]

  • 19/05/2010

    Report No. 913: Human Rights Commission verifies misery and lack of assistance among the Guarani of Mato Grosso do Sul

    The CDDPH Commission Report confirms the grave accusations of rights violations and presents 19 recommendations to the National Foundation for Indigenous Affairs (FUNAI), the Federal Police, the government of Mato Grosso do Sul and other organs/agencies.  The indigenous Guarani-Kaiowá and Guarani Ñandeva of Mato Grosso do Sul live in precarious situations, with high indices of […]

  • 19/05/2010

    Amazon mega-dams endanger uncontacted Indians

    Two mega-dams being constructed in the Brazilian Amazon threaten to devastate several groups of uncontacted Indians. The Santo Antônio and Jirau dams are being built on the Madeira River, next to the territory of isolated Indians who are unaware that much of their land is likely to be destroyed. A recent expedition carried out by […]

  • 07/05/2010

    Report no 912: Bishops discuss impacts of Belo Monte at General Assembly

    The bishops participating in the 48th General Assembly of the CNBB in Brasilia discussed the impacts that the construction of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte would bring to the peoples of the region of Volta Grande do Xingu, Pará. The assembly began on Tuesday (4) and continues until May 13. During the presentation on the […]

  • 19/04/2010

    Belo Monte: 12 questions without answers

    By Dion Márcio C. Monteiro   Flowing deep in the Brazilian Amazon, the Xingu is one of the most important rivers of the region.  Approximately 14 thousand indigenous people of Mato Grosso and Pará depend on it, and hundreds of communities composed of people who live on the river, fishermen, [legal reserve] extractivists, quilombolas [descendents […]

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