
Three hundred fishermen of the Xingu start fishing campaign against Belo Monte

Altamira, March 11. Today, over two hundred fishermen of the Xingu river set sail ceremonially for a protest fishing campaign in defence of the Xingu river and in protest against the planned construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric.

This morning, the fishermen embarked at the quays of Altamira, in the Amazonian state of Pará, after a religious ceremony and with the blessing of Bishop Erwin Kräutler, bishop of the Xingu prelacy and historic opponent of the hydroelectric plant.

Symbolic abundance

About 55 boats will be fishing on various sites of the mighty Xingu river, an important tributary of the Amazon river. Until Monday, March 14, another 25 boats with a hundred fishermen from the towns of Medicilandia, Belo Monte and Brasil Novo (Pará) will join the symbolic protest. Monday morning, the fishermen will return to the quays of Altamira, where the fish caught will be grilled and served for lunch to the population of the city, symbolizing the abundance provided by the river. It is this abundance and diversity that is threatened should the Belo Monte dam be constructed.

A church sermon, ending with the blessing of the bishop of the Xingu and president of the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), Dom Erwin Kräutler marked the beginning of the "Great Fishing Campaign in Defense of the Xingu and against Belo Monte”.

The protest action on the Xingu River is organized by the Movement of Fishermen and fisherwomen of  the Xingu, with the support of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), the Indigenist Missionary Council (CIMI), FASE, Prelacy of the Xingu as well as other organizations like the Xingu Vivo para Sempre movement.

River procession

According to Fábio Barros, spokesperson of the CPT of Pará, the group of fishermen will return to the city of Altamira on Monday, October 14, at about eight o’clock in the morning. They will join to make a big river procession with their boats, landing at the quays of the town, across the main offices of the Eletronorte company, responsible for the planned construction of Belo Monte.

Fishermen, fisherwoman, social movements and organizations and city residents will engage in a great political manifestation with the exhibition of films and cultural activities in order to educate the public and draw authorities’ attention to the impacts of the construction of a dam in the middle Xingu.

After this manifestation the participating fishermen will hold a press conference. The manifestation will end with a great lunch served with the fish brought in by the boats, estimated to reach between 10 and 13 tonnes. Fish not eaten during the lunch will be donated to charities in Altamira.

Communities weave the union for resistance

During the organization and coordination of the riverine communities and the fishermen for this manifestation against Belo Monte, each community was presented nylon line and needle tools needed to make a fishing net. Either one of them will weave pieces of a large community fishing net which will measure between 200 and 300 meters, symbolizing the union of all communities in their process of resistance.

According to Fabio, "the intention is that these actions shape the basis of a more organic movement of fishermen and women. With a more consolidated articulation, we will organize an Assembly of fishermen and fisherwomen of the Xingu river, between 25 and 27 March in the city of Vitória do Xingu (Pará), 45 km from Altamira, bringing together 600 to 700 fishermen and women, to define lines of action and tactics of the movement for the coming months."


More information:

Fábio Barros (Commissão Pastoral da Terra) – +55/93/91466932

Luiz Cláudio (Conselho Indigenista Missionário – Cimi) – +55/91/82985716

Fonte: Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT)
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