
08/2010 – The missing body of Rolindo: three hundred days of sorrow and anguish

Joint statement of family and supporting organizations


It has been nearly three hundred days since the brutal murder of the indigenous teachers, Genivaldo and Rolindo Vera of the Guarani Ñandewa people, in southern Mato Grosso do Sul on the border with Paraguay. The facts were reported nationally and internationally. The body of Genivaldo was found in the Ypo’i  creek ten days after the murder. Rolindo’s body has not yet been located. No search was undertaken after the location of the body of Genivaldo.

Tired of preparing documents, participating in numerous events to denounce the barbaric crime and demand for punishment of those responsible and the finding of the body of Rolindo, the Ypo’i community decided to return, on August 18, to the area to search for the body. "Until we have information about what happened and until we find the body, even if only the bones, of Rolindo, we are unable to live in peace … it is as though it happened yesterday, the pain does not pass, our soul remains disquieted”, expresses one of the relatives of the assassinated teachers.

Aware that it is a right and a need to engage with all efforts in the finding of the body, they marched decidedly to the site of the murders and of the expulsion from their tekoha [home, in Guarani].

We, the Indigenous peoples of Brazil gathered in the seventh national Acampamento Terra Livre (Free Land Camp), in Campo Grande, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, demand justice and the finding of the body of Rolindo.

Involved in great pain for the loss of their beloved sons, Genivaldo and Rolindo, relatives and the Ypo’i community hope for total support and not the cruel violence that resulted in the two murders and several injuries. They hope for solidarity and support to their rights and any act of violence will be the responsibility of the federal and the state governments.

Community of Ypo’i
Council of Aty Guasu [General Assembl of the Guarani Kaiowá)
Commission of Indigenous Guarani Kaiowá Teachers
Apib – Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil
            COIAB – Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon
            APOINME – Association of Indigenous Peoples of the Northeast, Minas Gerais and Espirito
            Arpinsul – Association of Indigenous Peoples of the South
            Arpipan – Association of Indigenous Peoples of the Pantanal
            Arpinsudeste – Association of Indigenous Peoples of Southeast
Cimi – Indigenous Missionary Council

Campo Grande, August 19, 2010



Photo: The young indigenous teachers Rolindo Vera (disappeared) and Genivaldo Vera (murdered) after their community reoccupied their traditional lands



Further information on the Guarani Kaiowá:

22/03/2010 – Report to UN reveals appalling situation of Guarani in Brazil

In Kurussu Amba, Guarani Kaiowá children and women struggle for survival

04/01/2010 – 15:29 – A Christmas story: And if the child Jesus chose to be born a Brazilian in 2009?

Fonte: Acampamento Terra Liver (Free Land Camp)
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