
join the letter campaign against Belo Monte

The Rainforest Portal started a letter campaign against the Belo Monte hydroelectric. Join the campaign! Show your position against this pharaonic undertaking in the midst of the Amazon!

Action Alert: Brazil’s Proposed Belo Monte Dam Damns Amazonian Rainforests and Peoples

The wild and free Xingu River is critical to maintaining intact the Amazon, its peoples, Brazil’s national advancement, and the Earth we share. The Brazilian government continues with plans to build the massive Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River in the Amazon rainforest, despite intense and growing domestic and international opposition. The 11.2 billion dollar dam will devastate an extensive area of the Amazon rainforest and threaten the survival of tens of thousands of indigenous and traditional peoples who depend on the Xingu River for their livelihoods. It is estimated 500 square kilometers of intact Amazon rainforest land would be flooded by the dam.

Fonte: Rainforest Portal
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