
Major Indigenous gathering in Altamira, Pará, August 9 thru 12

. Press Release



Major Indigenous gathering in Altamira, Pará, August 9 thru 12


“In Defense of the Xingu: Against Belo Monte!”


Between the 9th and 12th of August 2010 about 500 indigenous leaders from the Amazon region will gather and make camp at the quays of the port of the city of Altamira, Pará, at the riverside of the Xingu river, to discuss the impacts of major infrastructural projects in the Amazon region, with emphasis on Monte Belo.


The camp, named “In Defense of the Xingu: Against Belo Monte!” is organized by the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab), the largest representative body of indigenous peoples and organizations in that region, in partnership with the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), the Indigenist Missionary Council (CIMI), the Instituto Socio Ambiental (ISA), Via Campesina and the Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre


Riverine communities

Besides the indigenous leaders, members of traditional riverine communities, small scale farmers and people that would otherwise be impacted by the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant will participate at the gathering. During the meeting, issues will be discuss relating to the impacts of large infrastructural projects in the Amazon region, all from the reality and experience of participants.


Discussion themes

The discussion will be divided into four thematic areas: large infrastructural projects (like the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, the hydro electrics on the Madeira River and high way number 163 among others); the struggle of the Indigenous Movement, the struggle of the movimentos populares; Indigenous Lands (demarcation and activities that impact the culture of indigenous people, like illegal logging, mining and deforestation in general).


Human Rights

The event will be an opportunity for indigenous peoples to express their position, express their opinions and, above all, to try and establish a new dialogue with the federal government, as the indigenous peoples have had their right to prior consultation, as guaranteed by the Constitution, ILO Convention 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples violated.



The camp, which should bring together some 500 indigenous leaders, will end with the drafting of a document containing the claims and proposals suggested by everyone and the holding of a rally in the streets of Altamira.


Acampamento Terra Livre

All discussions and referrals from the event will be taken to the yearly, national Acampamento Terra Livre (Free Land Camp), which this year will be held in Campo Grande (the state of Mato Grosso do Sul), 16 thru 20 of August. The Camp is a big and important event for the indigenous movement on a national level. It happens every year in Brasilia, and was transferred exceptionally to Mato Grosso do Sul as a way to denounce the violations of rights suffered by the Guarani Kaiowá and other indigenous people of that state.


The Acampamento Terra Livre has the support of the organizations Amazon Watch, International Rivers, Friends of the Earth.



Altamira Program


Monday, 09.08.2010

08.00h to 12.00h

– Arrival of indigenous delegations.

– Installation of the camp.


From 14h to 18h

– Opening of the Camp: presentation of the delegations and of programming.

– Plenary session: methodological guidelines of the Camp

– Formation of Working Groups: divided into four themes – Large Enterprises (Belo Monte Hydroelectric, Madeira River hydroelectric, High way nr. 163, etc.); Indigenous Lands (demarcation, activities that impact the culture of indigenous people, like deforestation, etc.), the Struggle of the Indigenous Movement; the struggle of the Movimento Popular.



– Launch of the movie "Xingu: the blood of our survival," produced by the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB). This


Tuesday, 10.08.2010

08.00h to 12.00h

– Debate on major projects in the Amazon: Marcos Apurinã (Coiab), Guilherme (FASE), Prof. Herrera (UFPA), Experiences of Indigenous leaders in some impacted regions.

– Continuation of Working Groups: debate and discussion on the issues presented.


14.00h to 18.00h

– Speech by the representative of Coica: resistance struggles in other countries of the Amazon region

– Presentation of results of the Working Groups: with examples of cases of major projects in the Brazilian Amazon.



– Overview of law and regulations relating to the Belo Monte hydroelectric: discussion with indigenous peoples, traditional and local communities about the legal points of view on this project (Federal Prosecutor, Legal Counsel of the Xingu Prelature, president of Regional Federal Court (TRF1), judge of the 9th Federal Court on Agricultural and Environmental issues of belém, legal Council of Cimi, Marco’s Apolo of the SDDH and Antonio Carlos Campelo, Federal Judge).


 Wednesday, 11.08.2010

08.00h – 12.00h

– Debate on the impacts of Belo Monte to the Amazon rainforest; to the indigenous peoples and to the traditional communities; participants: Francisco Hernandez (University of São Paulo and representative of the independent Panel of Experts on Belo Monte, Sonia Magalhaes (UFPA) and representatives of the Movement of People Impacted by Dams (MAB).


14.00h to 18.00h

– Ways to fight Belo Monte for the Indigenous Movement and the Social Movements



Cultural Night.


Thursday, 12.08.2010

08.00h to 12.00h

– Systematization of the proposals and complaints about Belo Monte and presentation of the official document.

– Press Conference


14.00 to 18.00

Public Rally in Altamira



Closing session


For further information please contact:


Leticia Campos – communication officer of Coiab: (55) 61 3323-5068 / (55) 61 9949-6926

(Portuguese and English)


Paul Wolters – communication officer at Cimi: (55) 61 1650 1666 / (55) 61 9953 8959

(English, Portuguese, Dutch)


Verena Glass – communication officer Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre: (55) 11 98539950

(Portuguese, English) 

Fonte: Indigenist Missionary Council
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