
Report no. 924: Indigenous leaders call Senate to create of Special Indigenous Health Secretariat

Indigenous leaders call for the Brazilian government to vote on the Bill of Conversion (PLV) 08/2010, which transforms Provisional Measure No. 483, into law. The bill provides for  creation of the Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI-Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena). The vote is anticipated for Tuesday, August 3, a day on which approximately 80 indigenous representatives will be in Brasilia to ask senators to vote in favor of the bill.

The bill was approved on July 7, in Congress altering the structure of the Presidency, in addition to creating six departments in the Ministry of Health, which allows the creation of SESAI. The proposal moves control of indigenous health care from the National Health Foundation (FUNASA), constant target of accusations of diversion of resources and corruption to the Ministry of Health.

The bill needs to be voted on by August 4, when Provisional Measure 483 is due to expire. With the approval of the bill the Ministry of Health will be able to contract staff for a specific period in the event of a public health emergency. The challenge now is to define the powers of the Secretariat, its organizational structure and decentralized execution, among other questions.

There is, however, still a long way to go in securing the establishment of the Secretariat of Indigenous Health in Brazil. It is of vital importance that indigenous peoples and their allies remain vigilant to ensure that the government guarantees, together with its base of support in Congress, the approval and conversion of the Provisional Measure into law.

The indigenous movement awaits with great anticipation the adoption of PLV 08/2010. More than this, the struggle is in fact for creation of the secretariat. "It is not enough to just approve the bill, it is necessary to actually create the secretariat and provide conditions for it to function. Only with a new structure, financial resources and technical staff appropriate to deal with the health care of the indigenous population will it be effective," states vice president of the  Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), Roberto Liebgot.

Cimi supports the coalitions and mobilizations of indigenous leaders so that the voting on the PLV is kept on the August 3 agenda of the Senate. At the same time, it joins the call of the entire indigenous movement for senators to vote in favor of the text in accord with what was approved and sent by the House, because if this does not occur, it will lose validity.

With the objective of reinforcing  actions favorable to the creation of the Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health, Cimi encourages all of society to send messages to the Senate President José Sarney ([email protected]), and other senators in the states requesting approval of the PLV next Tuesday.

Davi Kopenawa, leader of the Yanomami people, calls on  indigenous leaders from throughout the country to mobilize around the issue. "If we indigenous peoples do not do this, we are going to lose. So this is why I am sending this message to you, that we awaken, arise and arrive at sunrise in Brasilia. Time is short, it will take place on August 3. Prepare for our departure to Brasilia”, declared Kopenawa.

Fonte: Indigenist Missionary Council
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