
Memorandum of solidarity of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) to the social movements

National Conference of Bishops of Brazil

CNBB – North Region 2


Memorandum of Solidarity


We, Bishops of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil – CNBB N2, unite our voice to the diverse social movements and all those who struggle in dedfense of life, to make public the immense concern with the  resulting from installation of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, in Altamira, in southeastern Pará.


Known by all, by being amply reported in the press and reaffirmed by the Ministério Público Federal, that there are lacunas to be addressedfor the viability of the project that intends to exploit the waters of the Xingu.


We share the anguish of the people who will be impacted by the execution of the project. Data from researchers and scholars of Amazonia corroborate there being anticipated a 1522km2 area of destruction – 516km2 area inundated and 1006km2 area desiccated by the definitive diversion of the Volte Grande of the Xingu!


Thus, we reaffirm our position in opposition to the entire act that assaults and disrespects nature as well as threatens the survival of traditional communities.


We reaffirm also that we are not against actions that see to progress, but oppose measures that are taken in an arbitrary form. Civil society, the more than 40 specialists who made an in depth study of the question and presented the report of the study of the impacts on the environment, the indigenous peoples, the riverine peoples, the movements in defense of life and all those impacted by the hydroelectric of Belo Monte, need to be heard in a respectful and correct form and our concern is precisely in this lack of a plan of development for the region that hears the local population.


We need to learn, with the indigenous peoples, the guardians of the forest, who respect mother earth, rivers and forests and and always promote a life shared in the midst of so much human greed.


Thus, we reinvigorate our hope that Amazônia be developed not on the basis of predatory development as has always occurred, but with a real development that respects their peoples and their background.


Belém, 08 February of 2010

Bishops of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil – CNBB Norte 2

Fonte: National Council of Brazilian Bishops, region Norte II
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