With protests on December 6 and 8, the Austrian civil society is mounting pressure on the Andritz AG Company to desist from supplying turbines to the mega-hydroelectric of Belo Monte in the Brazilian state of Pará, in the middle of the Amazon rain forest.
Andritz AG [1] intends to participate in the European consortium Vohts-Alstom-Andritz that would supply the majority of the turbines of Belo Monte, planned to be the third biggest hydroelectric in the world.
The NGO Dreikönigsaktion organized a protest at the main office of Andritz in
The dam will flood one third of the city of
The protest on December 6 was followed by a vigil and protest march on the evening of the 8th. Both were covered by the Austrian media. (See a series of photos of the protest [2] and a television interview [3] broadcast nationally.)
The protest followed a series of meetings with leaders of the Brazilian NGO Movimento de Atingidos por Barragens, the Movement of People Affected by Dams, that were extensively covered by the Austrian media.
Apparently Andritz felt some pressure because of the protest and the media publicity, so the CEO (and 30% shareholder) asked the archbishop of Vienna Cardenal Schönborn for a meeting. During that meeting Belo Monte as such as well as the involvement of Andritz in Belo Monte was discussed. It was agreed that further meetings on an effective CSR policy for Andritz will take place.
The civil society organization in