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CIMI Memorandum : a Belo Monte (Beautiful Mountain) of lies

The Indigenist Missionary Council repudiates the authoritarian and intransigent attitude of the Brazilian government that insists on the project implementation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, despite all of the uncertainties, all of the scientific and legal questions and all of the protests in opposition to this insanity.


Belo Monte is not justified. The government is trying to elude the Brazilian population with the prospect of building it "one way or the other". As such, it has made use of a series of lies that we denounce publicly:

We denounce and repudiate the transformation of Belo Monte into a powerful instrument of transfer of capital from the Brazilian population to a handful of large companies. Between tax exemptions and subsidized interest rates, the government is simply handing over about R$      6 billion real (3,5 billion US$     ) to the victorious consortium of the auction, which intends to construct the plant. It is reprehensible that such a plethora of resources is ceded, in this manner, in the midst of an election year. We believe that these resources would be much better utilized if they were used as incentive for research and development of alternative technologies for generating energy such as wind and solar.


We reaffirm our opposition to the energy model adopted by the current government. A criminal model based on grand projects, which affect thousands of people across the country and that benefits only a small group of large companies.


We have been perplexed by such speed and agility on the part of the Presidency of the Federal Regional Tribunal, 1st. Region, in analyzing and revoking all injunctions granted by the Federal Court of Altamira that suspend the auction on this day April 20, 2010.


We are in solidarity with all communities affected by this work, especially the indigenous peoples. We reaffirm the importance of continuing to be mobilized, with head raised, united, articulate, and firm in the fight against Belo Monte, a just fight.


Brasilia, DF, 20 April of 2010


CIMI – Indigenist Missionary Council




For more information on Belo Monte:

Belo Monte: 12 questions without answers [1]

140 international organizations denounce Belo Monte [2]


Background information: